Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I love drugstores
I love, love, LOVE drug stores. There is so much crap in there to look at and buy. Last time, I was in a CVS near Garland, I found this crazy-looking supplement for men called "Super Macho". I think it's made out of bull testicles or something. God knows what it does, but I had to buy it. I have no logical reason to own this item, but I love it none the less. Maybe it's because of the design of the package. I will buy something if the package design is cool enough. Hey, I'm an art director, I can't help it. I also love tactile package design, and this Super Macho was all thermographyed and shit (thermography is when the ink is really, really shiny and raised up a bit). I fucking love it.
And another time, I was at the Wal-greens in Uptown, and I was very surprised to find a gay pride t-shirt display. I commented to my pal Amber how odd I found it that Wal-greens sold Pride shirts, and her response was "you haven't seen the lube aisle yet." Lube aisle? No way! Sure enough, that Wal-greens has an EXTENSIVE personal lubrication selection. All major brands were represented, as well as a few fringe brands that were new to me. They also offered the liter size, pump-top lube containers, for those with heavy lube needs. The other thing about the lube aisle, they had cock rings for sale, but in very tasteful and discreet packaging. Crazy stuff man. I love drug stores so much.
Anyway, so I was wondering through CVS, waiting on my pills to be ready, and my gaze was captured by this black eye patch. HOLY SHIT! You can get a legit, pirate-style eye patch at CVS! That's awesome! I wanted it so bad...I was going to show up at work tomorrow, wearing my eye patch, just to look mysterious. And, when people asked me about my eye patch, I would simply say "I don;t want to talk about it." Maybe I'll do that next week. I heart you, drug stores!