One of my favorite lunch joints is the Great Outdoors sandwich shop. It's one of those delis where they cut the meat right in front of you, and they have about 8 million toppings to choose from...it's an all around class act. But, when you commit to the Great Outdoors, you have to be ready to wait for your love, especially if you hit the drive thru lane. A typical drive thru lane time is 10 minutes, although its been known to take upwards of 30. Today was one of those long wait days, but I wasn't too stressed out about it. It's gorgeous outside, I have an hour to acquire then accomplish lunch, so I had no worries. So, I'm just hanging out, listening to the radio, being lazy. Then, just out of curiosity, I look towards the restaurant's window, and out of the corner of my eye, I see this big-ass wolf spider, crawling along the door of the car...WTF, man!? BIG. FUCKING. SPIDER. It was so big, I could see his face and all his creepy spider leg joints. I squealed like a little girl, then flicked him off the door with my debit card. Then, I noticed that the spider had not only been meandering along the car door, he had started spinning a damn web from the top of the car, down to the door lock area...I had been waiting for my samich that long. When the cashier slid the window open to get my money, I told her about the spider, and she said "well, that spider is still on your door", she pointed down, and when I looked over the edge of the door, there he was! The resilient little fucker was still there! Damn! I flicked his ass off again, threw some cash at the lady, grabbed my samich and split Spider Town with a quickness. Moral of the story, I like sandwiches, but I don't like big spiders.