Friday, June 03, 2005

I'm probably going to Hell for this...

…but this guy at the gym this morning, ran so gay! I mean, he must have had the score from Pricilla, Queen of the Desert running through his mind the whole time. I was on the trusty elliptical machine, minding my own beeswax when I first noticed him. He was pretty much directly in front of me, about 8 yards away and one of the treadmills. Keep in mind that I had time to kill, and this dude was making such a spectacle of himself, I couldn’t stop watching him. Hopefully he didn’t get the heebie-jeebies from me. It’s a crime I didn’t catch this guy on video, cause it’s not going to be the same effect trying to just describe it, but I’ll try. Picture a regular looking dude, running on the treadmill in his t-shirt and shorts. Now, take that dude, and push his hips forward, and make his back super rigid straight. He’s running into oblivion, and his dick is leading the march. So that’s his basic posture, not let’s move to his arms. Imagine how a Tyrannosaurus holds his tiny little arms really close to his body; now imagine that Tyrannosaurus is this guy. His arms are bent at the elbow, and his forearms are raised to his shoulder level. The finishing touch is that his wrists are fantastically limp, and his hands are flapping wildly. GAY!!!! It was awesome, I’m so glad I was there to see it, and document it for posterity.

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