Thursday, July 20, 2006

Spelling is hard

The good Lord does not wish me to spell certain words. If he did, he'd have given me the ability to do so. The "list of the damned" grows every year, sometimes exponentially. And the sad thing is, I always think I have a chance to get the word right. I try so hard...but I'm like a puppy in that regard. Good-naturedly trying so hard, but invariably ending up pissing on the carpet anyway. And being surprised by it. So far, the list includes:

Misspelled (funny, eh?)

I guess I could take the pussy way out, and blame my dyslexia, but I ain't about that. Damn, I should add "dyslexia" to the list, cause you know I can't spell that shit either. God bless the good people who created Spell-check. They are Angles from Heaven. I bet most of my handwritten text is misspelled to some degree or another, but it just seems like spelling is something I don't need to concern myself with. Kind of like long division. I mean, why bother the learn how words are constructed when every computer application I will ever need to use has a spell-check function? Sure, it's lazy of me, but also, kind of efficient. I mean, why waste that brain space on spelling when I could use it to know all the lyrics to "Sister Christian"? Come on, you know I'm right.

1 comment:

Ms. Laaw-yuhr said...

Damn skippy. Sister Christian, O the time has come...