Monday, July 16, 2007

My meeting skillz are dope

So, I'm in a meeting this afternoon with the head of Project Management, an Associate Creative Director, 2 Designers, an Information Architect, and a Writer, and I volunteer to plug my laptop into the big screen so we can all look at the same document together. I'm cool like that, see? So, I plugs my laptop in, and we go through the first file, which is a 6 page PDF of designs for a website we are working on. Everything goes swimmingly, no issues. The work was good, the comments were minimal. So, we move onto the next file, which is a JPG. I opens it up, and the design looks great. We make some comments, then the designer leans over to me and says "there should be one more page". Now, I'm new to the world of PCs, so I assume that the arrow at the bottom of the player means that I can advance to the next page in the file. Silly me. Apparently, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer just cycles through all the pictures you have in your "My Pictures" folder. So, that being said, the very next picture in my "My Pictures Folder" was this:

Needless to say, hilarity ensued, and I laughed nervously, then turned red. Good times.

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