Monday, June 25, 2007

Hulk smash!

So, I walked into the Ladies Room at work the other day, and I was met by an unusual sight: the toilet seat from stall #1 had been completely ripped-off and discarded. Now, that's the first time I have ever seen a toilet seat that had been ripped-off, so naturally, it gave me pause. It's not like those things are held on with gum and a twist-tie either, those suckers are bolted down and stuff, so it has to take some reasonable amount of force to dislodge 'em. Which is why the whole scene gave me pause. I mean, women in general are quite courteous bathroom-goers: we always flush (except at movie theaters for some reason), we let each other know if there is no toilet paper in a stall, we don't ahem..."miss" the toilet or splash our salty leavings on the floor, etc. So, how exactly did this ripped-off seat come to be in such a state? My theory: the Incredible Hulk dropped a deuce in the Ladies Room, at my office building. You've seen how he gets when he's agitated...I bet he's the type to really wreck a joint when he makes "a deposit". Think about it: the Hulk's strength can't be limited to just his arms and legs and stuff, he probably has a wicked-strong butt hole too. One so mighty that the mere act of defecating rips rooms apart! You know I'm right. When you think about it, you can only come to this, the most logical of conclusions: Hulk broke my bathroom. God help us if he ever ties into some Wolf Brand chili. The only way to deal with that sort of situation is to cleanse the building with fire.

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