Wednesday, February 01, 2006
An interesting take on Brokeback Mountain
So, I'm at the gym this morning, and I happen upon some of the trainers and their clients disucssing who's hotter, Brad Pitt or Joaquin Phoenix. Bear in mind that the trainers are both straight dudes, and the clients are both straight ladies. The one trainer named Brian, is absolutely beside himself because his client thinks Mr. Pitt takes second place to Mr. Phoenix. It's important to have a visual of Brian. Brian looks and sounds like Atabesee from OZ, minus the crazy eyes...if you don't watch OZ, Atabesee is this enormous, West African guy who can bench a Volkswagon. I mean, Brian was in a state. He kept asking "how can you tell me that Joaquin Phoenix is hotter than Bradd Pitt?" Finally, cause I'm a big mouth, I says "cause Brad Pitt is a skank who can't be satisfied, that's why." They all laugh, but Brian keeps at it. "how can he beat Bradd Pitt?" After about a minute and a half of this nonesense, I says "Well, Jake Gyllenhaal is hotter than both of them combined." The other trainer pipes in with "so that whole Brokeback Mountain thing didn't ruin him for you?" "Nope." I says as I smile. Brian askes what he means, and the other trainer says something about Brokeback Mountain being about the 2 gay cowboys. Brian's reply was so awesome, I had to leave the room. He said "Oh, the 2 gay guys? Well, that's cause they're white. A white guy will do that." AWESOME!!!! White guys, when left to there own devices, will go gay for eachother...according to Brian. In order to not laugh in his face, I had to leave the area, but I think he went on to tell everyone how black guys don't do that sort of thing, no matter how lonely they are, but white guys can't help it. That was so fanstatic!!! Brian is comedy gold.
1 comment:
I can hardly wait to see what Chocolate P has to say about this.
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