Monday, April 07, 2008

Pictures of my Guts

Tomorrow morning, I go into the Plano Surgery Center for a laparoscopy of my abdomen. See, I gots the endometriosis real bad, and the only recourse is surgery. In case you’re wondering what endometriosis is, here’s a quick synopsis:

Ladies, as we all know, have a uterus. Inside said uterus, endometrial cells grow, forming the endometrial lining. This is the lining that becomes the amniotic sack (for holding babies and shit). If the lady doesn’t get in the family way, the endometrial lining dissolves and leaves the body with the extra blood supply, which, in laymen’s terms is “the period”. Endometriosis happens when those endometrial cells grow outside of the uterus, in the abdominal cavity. They can be anywhere; kidneys, intestines, liver, ovaries, etc. Since these cells are jerks, they bleed every month when the lady gets her period. The body responds to this random bleeding by forming scar tissue over the site. This can cause adhesions, which are massive scar tissue build-ups that end up attaching things to stuff (like ovaries to intestines, or intestines to kidneys…not a good scene). Another delightful side effect is ovarian cysts. These nasty little bastards attach themselves to left or right ovaries, often times growing to 10 times the size of the ovary itself. I hate cysts. Having endometriosis means feeling generally terrible, and can lead to possible infertility and in the very rarest cases, death.

So, now you know what it is. The upside of things is that while they’re in my belly, they’re gonna take lots of hi-resolution picture of my guts. How rad is that? I’m gonna start a site called “Pictures of my” I can’t wait to see what’s happening in there. So, there you go gut-pics to come.

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